Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December ER visit #2

In my last post I mentioned James had a high fever of 102.  
The next day he had a fever of 100.8, he was coughing hard and constantly being too hot or too cold.
I was really getting worried seeing him so miserable.
He got to a point where it was hard for him to breathe. SCARY.

my mother in law, Sheri, came over and gave him a bunch of natural remedies/stuff to help him feel better &
They actually have been helping a lot. Some of it tastes nasty but works.
It's now the day after Christmas, his temperature has gone down and he's slowly getting rid of the cough and runny nose.

Thankfully he only has to be at work for half the day today.
Actually, he just came home. They're giving him the next two days off! :)

I think I might be catching the flu that he had. I'm trying my best to stay healthy.
Hopefully I don't get it.

On Christmas Eve James got a blessing and we decided to get him to the HyVee Clinic in town and after seeing her she sent us to the Emergency Room at the Avera Marshall Hopital to get a 
Chest X-Ray because he was wheezing after every breath.

James was miserable. Extremely cold, coughing, his nostrils felt like they were burning. 
We were relieved to find out he didn't have Strep but was diagnosed with Viral Syndrome.

Basically: A really bad flu.

All you can do is stay hydrated and rest.

So that's what we've been doing the last few days.


James and I actually had our Christmas on Sunday night.
He wasn't feeling good and instead of watching a movie we wanted to open a present from each other.

We were planning on only opening one. When I say "We", I really mean me.

But we were so happy we ended up opening them all up.

After getting home from the Hospital on Christmas Eve I went downstairs to my parents place and we exchanged & opened our Christmas Presents and ate yummy dinner.

Then on Christmas Day James' parents came over and we opened presents with them and ate some more yummy dinner.


Now that Christmas is over... we're getting closer to the New Year!
So excited!

Till next time.. have a wonderful day and think nice things. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sick Day

James is sick, unfortunately.
With a fever of 102. At least he was last night.
I know he'll get better thanks to all the prayers. :)

I never really thought about what you're supposed to do when someone gets sick with such a high fever. After I took James' temp. I felt a little scared and... dumb.

How could I not know what to do?
Then I thought about it and came up with this excuse.
"I'm used to being the sick person not the 'other' who takes care of the sick one."

So, Thank You Mom for answering my late night phone call!
Now I know what medicine to give him, and know to keep him hydrated and that he shouldn't force himself to eat but to have him eat little bits when he's feeling like he can. Otherwise, he'll throw up.

This is good training for when I'll be a mother someday. :)
    YAY! haha

So I'm not going to be at Church today.. I'm taking care of my husband and I don't want to bring the sickness with me and get my little sunbeams sick. 
Thank goodness I have at least one more week with them till they'll be switched and off to the big kid classes. 


So I was wanting to share something I saw on Pinterest and and actually took the time to make.

It's called the "Bored Jar".

When you're bored take out a slip of folded paper from the Jar.. read it & do it.

It might say, "Netflix" as in go watch some Netflix! 
"Give him a big smooch!" (by him I mean, James. or maybe my little brother's cheek.)

My Bored Jar is just a glass jar. Simple. 


It took me about an hour to write out random things that I would do instead of being bored.

Some have to do with exercise.
or better posture.
Some are about service. (helping, cleaning or babysitting.)
Going on date nights.
Writing nice notes anonymously. 
even flossing.

It was a lot of fun coming up with my own ideas instead of copying someone else's ideas.

Random Fact: That stuffed animal was given to me by my daddy the day I went to the ER and learned about my ovarian cysts.

It's special. 

Till next time.. have a wonderful day and think nice things. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

First post.

Hello friends!

I have decided to become a blogger.. again. The first time I didn't keep up with my blog posts BUT I have decided to make a new one and I'll be sure to keep up with this one. 
I plan on posting about special events and many other things.  

In a few days it will be Christmas! 
James and I have almost all of our christmas shopping done. 

Christmas is my FAVORITE Holiday.

I don't go too crazy with decorating but I love the stories that are told this time of year and the love that is shown. Also because I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and this holiday is about him.   anddd because I love seeing people wear the Christmas colors. especially red scarves.

So this Christmas will be the first Christmas James and I will have together being Married. 

-Married life is Great!!

After Christmas we'll be getting ready for New Years.


"Get out the Cider!" Sparkling Cider that is.
good stuff.

I'm really excited for the new year. That's when my little nephew (cassie&joel's baby) will be born and that means James only has 2 semesters left till graduation.

I will be so happy when he's done. I'll get to see him more! :)

This new year i'm going to set new goals. And this year I'm going to REALLY TRY to accomplish them.

#1.Read the B.O.M. all the way through.
#2.Practice my cooking and make something nice.
#3.Be pregnant & have our 1st baby. (I'll be praying for this one.)
#4.Get a job and stick with it.
#5.Start saving up $ to pay off School Loans.
#6.Be a really good Sunbeams Teacher.
#7. Go to a Jazz NBA game with James.
#8.Have an incredible Anniversary trip.  
#9.Love life a little more.
#10.Keep learning new things.

I just came up with those now & I think they're pretty good goals.

 Till next time.. have a wonderful day and think nice things.